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Photography Fundamentals Workshop
Tuesday August 8th, 10am - 1pm (lunch will be provided)
Class Fee - $120
This workshop is for beginner to intermediate photographers seeking to learn the fundamentals of photography and expand their knowledge of camera functions and creative techniques. Attendees will receive hands on classroom instruction at our studio and a walkabout to the beach for some practical application of portraiture and landscape photography.
What To Expect:
An in studio course on the exposure triangle; Shutter, Aperture & ISO, understanding the mode dial, in-camera metering and depth of field.
A walkabout with instructors and a model to apply techniques learned in class.
Instruction on camera function, modes and creative techniques to create a desired look.
Instruction on creative techniques to improve your photography and create the look you desire.
What to Bring:
A DSLR, SLR or Mirrorless camera.
Any & all lenses you have for it.
Charged batteries.
Your camera's manual (digital or tangible).
Eagerness to have fun and learn.